Newsletter for April 2013

Click on the below-mentioned, numbered subjects:

  1. Welcome

  2. What’s Happening?

  3. Overcoming Sleep Deprivation at a Brainwashing Center”

  4. Persistence in Fa Study Allows Us to Pass Through Tribulations

  5. Western Practitioner: Overcoming a Deeply Held Attachment

  6. Studying the Fa Well Solidifies Our Cultivation

  7. Becoming Energetic When Paying Attention to Sending Righteous Thoughts

  8. Eliminating Attachments and Human Thinking

1. Welcome

Welcome to the April 2016 Falun Dafa India Newsletter.

Let us spare a thought for our fellow practitioners in China who are still being persecuted.

There is a special request.

Please copy the text below and send the petition to as many people as possible.


I saw a Documentary recently titled 'Human Harvest' where they show in China, you can get any organ you want in a week's time. This is because they extract organs from innocent people who practice Falun Gong, a peaceful exercise and meditation practice that is banned in China by the Communist government.

The sad thing is that a lot of affluent Indians travel to China to get a liver, or kidney transplant. They don't realize that somebody is killed, so that they can live!

I just signed this petition. I think this is important, because it affects us all in some way. I would be grateful if you can sign and also forward it to your contacts please.


(Your Name)

In this issue, we have a compilation of experience-sharing Articles gleaned from Clearwisdom that always shine through because of their insights and fine quality of sharing. It is important to read the Clearwisdom, Pureinsight and other Dafa sites.

We make an effort to select Articles from the Archives which people don’t go back to and are relevant even today. Contributions are welcome from practitioners.

Heshi! Hope, you like the selection of Articles and gain some new insights!

Note: "All the contents in this newsletter - except for quotations and excerpts of writings of the founder Mr. Li Hongzhi - are only ideas and experiences of practitioners and do not represent Falun Dafa in itself."


2. What’s Happening?

Practitioners from Mumbai, Nagpur, Kolkata and Jamshedpur participated in the Annual Jamshedji Tata Memorial event at Jamshedpur and at a Trade Fair from March 2 to 16 March. A lot of people showed interest in learning the exercises. Practitioners contributed a set of Dafa Books to the local library.

Practitioner from Sarnath is planning to participate in the Mizoram Book Fair. Practitioners from Bangalore may join later.

Pune practitioners participated in ‘Happy Streets’ and distributed flyers and demonstrated the exercises. Many people bought the books and shown keenness to learn the exercise.


3. Overcoming Sleep Deprivation at a Brainwashing Center

By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Sleep deprivation is a common torture method employed by the Chinese authorities to force Falun Dafa practitioners into denouncing their beliefs. Usually several people take turns keeping a practitioner awake for multiple days on end.

Studies have shown that prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to disorientation, visual impairment, apathy, and severe lethargy. In extreme cases, it could result in widespread physiological failure and eventually death.

A few years ago, I read an experience-sharing article from a Falun Dafa practitioner. When the police deprived her of sleep for several days, she didn't feel tired at all. She kept telling the police officers about the persecution of Falun Dafa. After many days, the policemen were too tired to keep going. At the time, I thought she must have had supernormal abilities. I felt that I couldn't do it; I had a fear of sleep deprivation.

I was taken to a brainwashing center a few months ago. For the first few days, I was allowed to sleep. As time went by, however, they saw that I had no intention to change and became more exasperated. But I kept a smiling face no matter what they said and always calmly told them, “I will not change my mind about practicing Falun Dafa. It is illegal to keep me here.”

I had an inkling in my mind that they would not use sleep deprivation on me if I remained calm. Then I realized that I was naively hoping for the evil to not be evil.

“At worst, I'll lose consciousness from sleep deprivation,” I thought, “They cannot change my belief in Dafa. I won't let my heart be moved by it and I won't believe in anything but Dafa. Let's see what they can do to me.”

That was the first night I was not allowed to sleep. I suddenly felt a surge of energy filling my body; a sense of tranquility and calm came over me. My whole body relaxed. I knew that sleep deprivation would not affect me anymore.

“If you are not afraid, the factor that would make you afraid will cease to exist.” (“Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)” from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Just as I expected, I didn't feel very sleepy that night and I wasn't tired the next morning. Another day passed, then another. After a few days, I was still full of energy. I realized that the practitioner that I read about years ago was able to overcome sleep deprivation because she had righteous thoughts, not supernormal abilities. It was just like Master said,

“When disciples have ample righteous thoughts, Master has the power to turn back the tide” (“The Master-Disciple Bond” from Hong Yin II)

The secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee came and saw how I was; he thought my situation was unbelievable. The director of local 610 Office came and was at a total loss as well.

By then, I no longer feared them. These were people who were supposedly responsible for “transforming” me. I used to get angry whenever I saw them. Now I only had pity for them – they seemed so very insignificant. After over a month of brainwashing and almost 10 days of sleep deprivation, I was released unconditionally.

Looking back at my experience in the brainwashing center, I think what helped me to prevail in the situation were:

1. Firmly believing in Dafa at the crucial moments. It is not just saying “Falun Dafa is good”, but truly believing “Falun Dafa is good” from the bottom of my heart, with all of my life.2. Looking within. I asked myself often if I had truly let go of everything. Was I annoyed by their words or gestures? Was I resenting them? Did I feel that I was suffering? Was I worrying about my family? I knew that my heart should not be moved by anything.3. Continuously sending forth righteous thoughts. At first I had to sit through lectures 16 hours a day and I just used that time to send forth righteous thoughts. Later it was changed to 20 hours a day. But I didn't care. I thought to myself, “Good. Now I have four more hours to send forth righteous thoughts.”

Through this experience, I learned that when facing tribulations, maintaining righteous thoughts is the key to turning back the tide.


4. Persistence in Fa Study Allows Us to Pass Through Tribulations

By a practitioner in south central China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Gong at the end of 1998. I began with the mentality of listening to theory; however, after I listened to Teacher's "Lecture in Dalian", I wanted to cultivate myself. I practiced with the selfish hope of escaping the human world and therefore I did not treat myself as a practitioner. I behaved the same as an ordinary person in my daily life, so I had a big lesson to learn. I would like to share some of my cultivation experiences during these years.

In the beginning, I was extremely unsatisfied with life: I did not have a desirable job, nor had I found "love", and it felt painful. After a period of studying the Fa, I realized all of this was caused by my karma accumulated over many lifetimes, so I stopped thinking about them.

During a tribulation, whether you can think clearly or not, you must persist in Fa study. Only the Fa can remove the bad materials of human beings, and studying the Fa is eliminating these bad things. During my cultivation, sometimes I really wanted to watch TV, surf the internet, read novels, or go to sleep. If this continued for a period of time, I then would have symptoms of sickness karma, or trouble at work, so at that time I would eliminate the interference and concentrate on Fa study.

At all times, we must act according to Teacher's words; otherwise we will fall into the trap laid by the old forces, and bring ourselves unexpected ordeals. At one time I fell in love, but I did not treat myself as a practitioner, did not conduct myself according to Teacher's words, and did things that a practitioner should not do. As a result I had serious symptoms of sickness karma, caused a negative impact on people, and brought great difficulties into my life. In front of the huge emotional and physical ordeals, I despaired, cried bitterly and regretted. Teacher did not give up me, however, and through Fa study I gradually overcame this ordeal. I could not keep practicing without Teacher's mercy. If I could have realized that I was a practitioner, and behaved according to the requirements set forth in Zhuan Falun, I would not have brought such a big ordeal down upon myself.

If we can act according to Teacher's words, it can also eliminate problems orchestrated by the old forces. I explained the truth of Falun Gong to my colleague out of an attachment to thinking I was able to reach consummation without explaining the facts, and, as a result, the old forces took advantage of my loophole. My colleague viciously reported me, my workplace cadre spoke to me and ordered the colleague to threaten me: "If you do not write a repentance statement, you will be fired, sent to prison, and you will have no future work or life." I sent forth righteous thoughts, firmly refused to comply, but I was a bit moved. Through much contemplation, I recalled relevant Fa taught by Teacher saying that we should not cooperate with the evil's requirements at any time. I did not comply, and the matter was eventually dropped. If I had written a "repentance statement" at that time, what awaited me was surely persecution.

My attachment to fear was large because fellow practitioners at local truth-clarification material production sites were nearly all arrested, and as a result we lost contact with Minghui and had no materials. Some practitioners asked me to download the materials from Minghui. I was a bit scared, but felt I could not decline. Therefore, I went onto the website with some hesitation, and before I went on the website, each time I worried about whether the police would come, and whether the net police had found me. I unceasingly eliminated these negative thoughts, continuously studied the Fa, and slowly a large portion of my fear was removed.

When fellow practitioners and I had differing opinions, in the beginning I always thought I was correct. I made many comments on other practitioner's ideas, had many opinions about a fellow practitioner, and felt he did not practice well. Through continuous Fa study, these thoughts became less. I also tried to follow fellow practitioner's ideas, and the result was unexpectedly good.

When we calmly and earnestly study the Fa during a tribulation, we will know what to do, as Teacher has already answered the possible questions we would have in advance; the key is whether we can earnestly study the Fa. Once, on technical issues with computer processing, I pondered a problem for over a month with great difficulty, and could not find the solution. Afterwards I let go of the attachment, did not hold the thought that I had to fix it, and then all of a sudden I found the solution and felt Dafa gave me the wisdom. Only then did I remember Teacher had already talked about such an issue in a previous Fa lecture.

Only when we persist in Fa study, persist in solid practice and unceasingly melt into the Fa-rectification are we able to pass through this great tribulation and complete our real purpose for coming to this world.


5. Western Practitioner: Overcoming a Deeply Held Attachment

By a western practitioner

(Minghui.org) I have practiced Falun Dafa for almost five years and would like to take this opportunity to reflect upon some of the shortcomings that have hindered me in doing the three things well, and of feeling worthy of the title 'Dafa Disciple'.

For a long time I have had tribulations in my cultivation, with one attachment in particular. Before I was a practitioner I was fully immersed in this attachment and behaved exactly as an everyday person does, trying vainly to find his way traversing the slippery slope of moral decline that characterizes today's society. After I became a practitioner I was repeatedly challenged by this attachment of lust over the course of three years.

Around two months ago, I realized that I could not get out of this arrangement on my own and asked Master for help.

I wrote about my experience in full and began to return to my true path. Master immediately began cleansing my body, a process which lasted for six weeks. I rapidly made breakthroughs and could feel my righteous thoughts getting stronger and stronger. I was then able to discard many human notions and attachments, and began feeling that I was becoming worthy of the title Dafa Disciple.

A few days ago, I was tested by something that led to much frustration and by things not going my own way.

I had spent two hours on the phone, trying to solve a computer problem that was stopping me from finishing a project that I'd been working on for some time. As a result, I was getting more and more frustrated, completely forgetting that I was a practitioner, and thinking only about myself. This provided an opening for the old forces to exploit other gaps.

When I closely examine my thoughts, I can see that I was attached to completing my project so that I could hear compliments from others and perhaps gain some employment and financial benefit from it. Although I planned to use the opportunity to clarify the facts as well, I could not let go of those human notions of fame and gain. In the end my character ended up very low, and I was then able to be tempted by the attachment of lust.

I struggled with Fa study and sending righteous thoughts over the following week. It was difficult and I felt quite low in spirits and lacked confidence as a cultivator. I studied two lectures of Zhuan Falun, sent righteous thoughts at the set times, and meditated, but did not feel any better. I think my attachment to pursuit while I did these things was too strong and also my attachment to feeling melancholy.

I finally decided that I must be vigilant, lest I continue being taken advantage of.

I kept reciting 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good' whenever I was free to do so and could feel huge chunks of interference and thought karma dissolve. Nevertheless, weak in my resolve, I again gave in to my attachment.

I remember a dream I had that night. In the bathroom of my home there was demon who was very tall with a black robe and a white face. I turned around to attack him and woke up. I wondered how such a thing could enter my dimensional field?

Lust, in my understanding, is one of the filthiest things among human beings. It is only allowed to manifest physically in the union of marriage. It is the most hated of emotions of the old forces. In my current lifetime, before cultivation, this attachment was quite prominent. Although I detested it at the same time, I could not find a way to purity. When I first read Master's teaching on this, I was moved to tears. Nobody had lifted this burden for me before.

As a result, in the old forces' eyes, as I understand the situation, they want to deny me the chance to be a Dafa disciple, but Master protects me in this regard.

Many opportunities and chances have been lost to me and denied while I was mired in this selfish maze of the old forces' arrangements. I would like to say to all Dafa disciples that I will try to make up for any losses caused and try to do well at the three things and save even more sentient beings.

I now realize far better how precious this time is, and that I will never have back the time I wasted.

I want to clear all of these things out and act like a true cultivator of Dafa, to return to Master's arrangements for me, as only this will truly bring the best results in saving sentient beings.

My level is very limited, please point out anything inappropriate.


6. Studying the Fa Well Solidifies Our Cultivation

By a Dafa practitioner in Henan Province

(Minghui.org) I am 62 years old and have been cultivating in Dafa for ten years. I frequently study the Fa, place my trust in Teacher and Dafa, and correct my thoughts and behavior based on the Fa's requirements at different levels.

Gaining things naturally without pursuit

I started studying the Fa and doing the exercises in 1999 to improve my health, specifically my arthritis. By following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to conduct myself, my xinxing improved without my noticing it.

I used to not say anything if I got extra change from the cashier, but after practicing Falun Gong, I would return the extra money immediately. I used to fuss about every penny with my mother-in-law's family and fought over everything. Now, I have become compassionate and find it easier to get along with them. After studying the Fa for six months, my former illnesses disappeared, except for the arthritis. I realized that I was pursuing that goal, and after I removed the attachment, it went away as well.

Catching up with the process of Fa-rectification

At the end of 2003, one day while studying the Fa, I came to the realization that this is Buddha-Fa cultivation, and if I were to choose between personal gain and cultivation, I would choose the latter. With righteous thoughts, my attachments gradually disappeared as I read Master's teachings after the persecution began. At the same time, I began sharing my cultivation experiences among friends and relatives, telling them about how good Falun Dafa really is. In 2004, I saw that the Minghui website published Teacher's hand gestures for sending forth righteous thoughts. This really brought home to me how important that was.

I later read an article published in Minghui Weekly that helped me to understand the importance of sending forth righteous thoughts. It was about how an older fellow practitioner negated the old forces' persecution by sending righteous thoughts. Teacher, through the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom), has been guiding Dafa disciples, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been trying to separate practitioners from Teacher via the Internet blockade. Since then, I have been following Teacher's requirements to do the three things well in order to catch up with the process of Fa-rectification.

With righteous thoughts, I broke through the sickness karma arranged by the old forces

At the end of August 2004, I suddenly lost feeling in my right hand, and I could not even raise my right arm. I also became incontinent, rendering me totally unable to take care of myself. A fellow practitioner brought me Teacher's new lecture. We studied it together and then looked within ourselves. When we next sent forth righteous thoughts, we added a thought, "We suffer for our own karma, but we completely negate the old forces' persecution, and we are determined to disintegrate them." One time when I was sending forth righteous thoughts, I felt that the Falun was spinning very fast on my body, and it didn't stop until after I finished sending forth righteous thoughts. I thought about what Teacher had said,

"Falun is something with intelligence, and knows itself to do these things." (Zhuan Falun)

Soon, I was so delighted to discover that I was able to raise my right arm. Because of that attachment, though, the old forces took advantage and caused my arm to become disabled again. Teacher said in "Mighty Virtue"

"Dafa does not leave the body,
The heart harbors Zhen-Shan-Ren;
In the world is a great Arhat,
Spirits and ghosts fear greatly."

(Hong Yin)

Teacher's Fa continuously inspired me with wisdom, which enabled me to completely negate the old forces. Through studying the Fa, doing the exercises, and sending forth righteous thoughts, I was able to recover and go back to work after two weeks. I was able to break through this arrangement by the old forces with fellow practitioners' support and remembering Teacher's words,

"When it's difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it's impossible to do, you can do it." (Zhuan Falun)

I also remembered that I must overcome the persecution and help others be saved through my belief in Dafa.

Through Dafa cultivation, I have seen the importance of studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth to save sentient beings.

Through studying the Fa, I have realized that it's urgent to save sentient beings. There are still so many people who still don't know the truth, and even at my workplace, many colleagues, due to the lack of Dafa practitioners, have not quit the CCP. I will continue to persevere amidst the persecution and do the three things well.


7. Becoming Energetic When Paying Attention to Sending Righteous Thoughts

By a Dafa practitioner in Jinan, China

(Minghui.org) Practitioners in my area, including myself, were feeling sluggish when they tried to tell people about Falun Dafa. I had a hard time doing the exercises in the morning or at night, and I appeared to be very lazy and of a negative demeanor. The transcript from the 2014 San Francisco Fa Conference then opened my eyes.

Whenever a new lecture of Master's is published, I would study it a few times and then set it aside. I studied the Fa, but read it mechanically without really absorbing it. I did not look at myself to see if I followed the Falun Dafa principles.

I realize now that I did not pay attention when I sent forth righteous thoughts. No wonder my cultivation state had deteriorated. I did not have energy to do things. The old forces interfered with me, and I was unable to see it.

Improvement with a Change of Outlook

Master told us to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate any interference by low level beings. But, we did not understand this. Once I recognized our problem, I shared with my fellow practitioners and we improved our understanding of the Fa.

For example, I had a toothache and felt great pain. I looked inward. I remembered that when I ate some candy I thought that sugar could cause a toothache. The thought was not based on the Fa, and thus the old forces exploited my loophole. I immediately thought that my tooth should not hurt, even if I ate sugar. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate anything that interfered with me.

I now pay attention to sending forth righteous thoughts, and disintegrate anything that pushes me to be lazy and pursue comfort. I feel energetic and no longer feel sleepy. My condition has completely changed.

I would like to remind other practitioners who have experienced a similar situation, to send forth righteous thoughts and eliminate anything that interferes with them.


8. Eliminating Attachments and Human Thinking

By a practitioner in Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Gong in 1994. I'd like to summarize my experiences and the lessons

I have learned over the last decade, in order to find my shortcomings, rectify myself, become more diligent on the last leg of journey, and be a qualified Dafa disciple. My sharing covers these few areas. Fellow practitioners, please point out anything inappropriate.

1. Fully Believing in Teacher and Dafa

Because I have been cultivating in an environment where Falun Gong is persecuted, especially over the past year, I have heard a lot of news about practitioners being tortured, which resulted in permanent injury or even death. After hearing about these incidents of persecution, I developed fear. This serious fear either made me waver inside or caused serious thought karma to arise. It also interfered with my cultivation. Sometimes, as soon as I started to study the Fa, thought karma casts ideas into my mind that are not respectful of Teacher or Dafa. When it became very serious, it makes me question Teacher and Dafa.

Through Fa-study however, every time this kind of thought karma emerges, I can immediately recognize it. I then calm myself down and began to look inward. When I have looked deeply inside to find out the root cause of the thought karma, I realized that those bad thoughts were not my own, rather they were post-natal notions. After I studied the Fa much more diligently, I eventually eliminated the thought karma and finally improved myself based on the Fa. I was able to examine myself in time and follow Teacher's requirements, so I didn't cause damage to my cultivation. Thinking back on it now, I have truly come to realize that on the path of cultivation, one should not slack off even a little bit, and one should hold oneself to Teacher's requirements at all times. Failing to do that, one might walk on a deviant path or fail halfway through the journey. Therefore, on the path of cultivation, one must truly believe in Teacher and Dafa to the fullest extent, so as to improve oneself in the Fa and elevate oneself in the Fa.

2. Eliminating Attachments

Teacher said, "Cultivation is about removing human thinking and attachments." ("Be Vigilant") When I thought of this with myself in mind, I realized that I had so many attachments--and they were serious attachments. I'd like to mention a few major attachments that hindered me from cultivating diligently. Since childhood, I was very fearful, so no matter what I did, I did it very carefully. After I began cultivating, my attachment lessoned quite a bit. However, after 1999, when the persecution began, with the change of environment, my fear again flared up. Out of fear that I'd lose my job or my family, I didn't go with other practitioners to Beijing to validate the Fa. Even though I did some work in validating the Fa with local practitioners, they had to urge me. Especially after July 20, 1999, I thought constantly, "The environment is so perilous and we still have to go out to validate the Fa. It's truly difficult." However, I was deeply moved when I saw that fellow practitioners kept going out to clarify the truth and validate the Fa by letting go of the concern for life and death. At that time, I kept asking myself why I couldn't make it. On the other hand, I understood that it was my attachment of fear holding me back. Not until I calmed down and studied Teacher's every article pre and post July 20, did I truly come to realize that the reason Teacher came to this human world was for the Fa-rectification, and our mission was to assist Teacher in Fa-rectification and be Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples. Prior to July 20, we were doing self-cultivation and building a foundation. After July 20, it truly became a test for us. It's a process of saving people and cultivating to godhood. This is a path that every practitioner must take.

After I improved my understanding, I began learning to clarify the truth to my relatives, friends, and colleagues, and also to spend paper currency with truth-clarification phrases written on them. However, the opportunities for me to clarify the truth to strangers were very limited. I wondered to myself how many people I would be able to save if I continued as such. I became worried that I wouldn't be able to save many people. I looked inward and realized that my fear was in the way. I worried that people would curse at me and I would be embarrassed. In one word, it all came down to my selfishness. If I couldn't let go of myself, regardless of what I was doing, I was following the principles of the old cosmos. I was selfish about doing things, whereas Teacher requires us to cultivate away selfishness and always put others first. I lagged so far behind, and I was far from Teacher's requirements. As a matter of fact, cultivation involves eliminating one's selfishness. As to my own selfishness, I needed to find it myself and then eliminate it. I also came to truly realize that in one's cultivation, one needs to cultivate proactively, rather than passively, because in the latter situation, there is no way to succeed in cultivation. Teacher told us that in cultivation, we need to strive forward vigorously, and always put others first. I have realized that saving people takes the highest priority, so I am determined to eliminate my fear in the future.

After being poisoned by the "party culture" for so long, I had a competitive mentality, a mentality of showing off, and an attachment to validating myself. These attachments were very strong and were deeply rooted in me. In the workplace, with my family, or in society, and regardless of the situation, I competed with others and didn't want to suffer any losses. I was focused on how to fix others. Even though I have improved a lot superficially during my cultivation in the past years, the fundamental factors are still at play, therefore, if I didn't control myself, I would have raised my voice at others, resulting in arguments.

Teacher said in Zhuan Falun,

"As a practitioner, the first thing you should be able to do is to not fight back when you are beaten or sworn at--you must be tolerant."

Comparing myself to Teacher's Fa, I did very poorly and I failed to be tolerant, much less kind. There was one time when my strong competitive mentality surfaced and my younger sister, a non-practitioner, couldn't stand it any longer and she said to me, "My brother, you are a practitioner yet you act like this? What would you be like if you were not a practitioner?!" Wasn't Teacher using an everyday person to enlighten me? Another time I was clarifying the truth to a friend at the entrance of a supermarket. Because I was very loud and talked at a level beyond an everyday person's level of understanding, that my friend ended up turning around and running away from me. Even passersby were shocked by what I said. I began looking within and realized that my competitive mentality, show-off mentality, and the attachment to validate myself had all surfaced. Was this saving people?! When I later ran into this friend again, I apologized to him.

Another time, I was carrying a big, 50kg bag of rice, and, in order to show off, I declined the help of others. I picked the bag up, lifted it up on my shoulder, and carried it up to the fourth floor. I carried two bags. Hearing others commenting on how strong and how great I was, I felt very flattered. Then that same night, my lower back began to hurt. The following day, I was in so much pain that I couldn't move. It was as if my back were broken, and I could barely move at all. I immediately began looking within and realized that my show-off mentality was too strong. Instead of validating the Fa, I was trying to validate how capable I was, which was totally wrong. After I realized my attachment, I began to acknowledge to Teacher what I did wrong. I begged Teacher to strengthen me, and to eliminate the interference in my own dimensional field, so that my back would no longer hurt. There have been many such instances that have helped me to eliminate my competitive mentality, show-off mentality, and validating myself. For a while I was able to realize each time I fell short, but after a while I forgot about it again. I asked Teacher for help and I truly felt that I should have been more diligent. I also truly feel that it's time to completely eliminate those attachments, so as not to have Teacher worry about me.

3. Snapping Out of Human Thinking

Because the experience of everyday human society has become second nature, whenever I run into things, I analyze and judge them using the principles of everyday people, which is not the right way to do things. Being unable to snap out of this human way of thinking and following the principles of everyday people is a pursuit. High-level principles are the opposite of everyday people's principles. Everyday people think that the more they pursue, the better, whereas practitioners believe that the more they let go, the better. The more they can let go, the higher the realm to which they can elevate, so as to truly snap out of human thinking.

My cultivation state was sometimes not optimal when I clarified the truth, and I doubted in my mind whether or not the person would believe me, or if he would be willing to quit the Chinese Communist Party. It turned out that because my field was not righteous enough, I didn't get good results. Sometimes when I had nothing on my mind and I just did something without thinking about it, it turned out unexpectedly well. Cultivation means cultivating your own thoughts. If your thoughts are righteous, everything is righteous, and if your thoughts are not righteous, nothing is righteous. For example, a few days ago, I was washing clothes and noticed that the water in my barrel was fairly dirty. I thought that my hands would easily get infected if I put them in the water. After I finished washing, my hands felt itchy. The next day my ring finger on my right hand became swollen and it worsened day by day. Strangely enough, several people shared the barrel, but they were fine, so I wondered if it was a result of my pursuit of an incorrect thought. As soon as I realized it, I sent forth righteous thoughts, and the interference was eliminated.

Cultivation is truly serious, and involves cultivating away your attachments. Even though I have cultivated for so many years, I still have many attachments. I worry that the manifestations of the attachments that remain will be very strong. I came to realize that the reason why they surfaced was for us to eliminate them as soon as possible! Through this sharing opportunity, I have found my shortcomings and will eliminate them as soon as possible. In the last leg of my journey, I will conform to society as much as possible while still holding myself to a practitioner's standard, seize the time to truly cultivate myself, and hand in a quality report to Teacher.


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